Artists: Ilie Duta
Material: Sketchbook metal sculpture
Type: metal sculpture
Year: 2013
Place: Timisoara, Romania
The starting idea was the recycling of material, planting metal trees in specially designated areas for natural trees, in the quadrants on the edge of the sidewalk where natural trees are absent; the cold, brutal metal will be covered with sand for an added touch of naturalness.
However, something out of place raises a natural question for the observer – why would someone plant metal trees instead of natural ones?!? (Note: signed green spaces)
The abusive planting of metal trees in urban space.
Transforming urban space into a niche for art, vandalism, and environmental protection.
A militant message against abusive tree cutting and poor management of public space, an urban area where many more trees and vegetation could thrive in general (based on the idea of a green city).